Thursday, July 28, 2011
Addunya Sijnul Muqminiin Wa Jannatul Kafiriin
The title above is the meaning of a hadith which says Matan (Ad Dunya Wa Sijnul Jannatul Gentile believers) there are many misunderstandings in the above hadith to understand the text, resulting in deterioration of Islamic society itself primarily in terms of economic and worldly affairs. As if Islam is not concerned with world problems, because the world is a prison for the believer, as a prison is not the place to have fun. While some are assessing the expression above is not a hadith of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. And need not be submitted because contrary to the spirit of Islam. In fact some say over is greeting from an orientalist, to trick Muslims. This compact paper tries to trace the original source of the above hadith. After browsing the book of al Mu'jam al Mufahras lil Alfazal Annabawi ahadith, AJ Wensinck work, through the World vocabulary of words: Dal, Nun, Waw, editor of the hadith found in Volume 2: 151 and directed to refer to Sahih Muslim, Sunan at Turmuzi, Sunan Ibn Majah, and, Musnad Imam Ahmad, each chapter PIETY meaningful hadith above takhrijed by the four Imams. Sanad's Hadith Having traced in the book of Sunan Ibn Majah, chapter 3 of PIETY, then met with complete history, Ibn Majah as mukharrij hadiis above to get the hadeeth of Abu Marwan, Muhammad bin Uthman Al-Usmani of Abdul Aziz bin Hazim, of al Alla 'bin Abdurrahman from his father, (Sa' ad al- Madani) from Abi Hurayrah. And Abu Huraira was the first narrators of the Prophet PBUH said: The world prison for believer heaven for those who dis believe (Sunan Ibn Majah: Chapter PIETY Hadith No: 4113). Identification Sanad After browsing Abu Marwan Muhammad Usmani (W. 240 H) in the Tahzib Tahzib: That he is the hadeeth narrated by Ibn Abi Hazim, (Abd Aziz) (W. 187) and Abu Hatim stringent critics assess Abu Marwan is siqah, (trusted). So also commented Al, Asady he is (siqah Saduq) trustworthy and honest. While the teacher Abdul Aziz (W. 187 H) or Ibn Abi Hazim can be trusted as commented on by Ahmad bin Hambal. So is Al 'Alla' (W. 32/39 H), is a siqah, as comments Abdullah bin Ahmad, and Ibn Main assess al 'alla' can not serve as hujjah words. Next father al 'alla' is Abd Rahman ibn Sa 'ad al- Madani, was assessed by Annasa' i is siqah, he narrated from his father Sa'ad al-Madani, his full name was Sa 'ad ibn Hisham ibn Amir al- Ansari Al Madani, assessed siqah (trusted) by the Nasa 'i, and he narrated the hadith of Abi Hurayrah Abi Hurairah was the first above hadith narrators and Abi Hurayrah no doubt justice because he was a friend of the hadith of the Prophet and the experts have no doubt about the fairness and honesty of the Companions , in this context can be trusted that the above hadith is a saying of Prophet Muhammad. Matan Hadith Studies "The world is a prison for a believer and a paradise for the unbelievers, cursory understood that the world belongs to those who disbelieve and haven for them, while people of faith do not need to own or control the world is just like the people in prison and living in poor circumstances. Understanding of the above need to be tested for truth by referring to the Qur'an which states "that for those who fear their Lord substances get two heaven" (the world and the Hereafter) (Ar-Rahman: 54). There was a controversial understanding of tradition and The Qur'an, while the above hadith saheeh assessed and Imam Hasan Saheeh Turmuzi said. The solution is to look at another report that explains the purpose of the above hadith does not occur so that the paradox between the two. Actually, the above hadith speaks of ascetic as has been mentioned by Imam Muslim, the Nasa 'i and Ibn Majah on the chapter PIETY and need a correct understanding of the ascetic much distorted by some people and another glance at the history, to understand the above hadith, Abu Dawud narrated from Abi Zar Al Giffari he said: It has been said is not the Apostle Saw the ascetic in this world, Allah forbid what is lawful and a waste of money, but people are not too PIETY cling to what is on his side and wasted no hope or what's on God's side and assume that the reward more favored than unfortunate accident does not get at all (Hadith Turmuzi History, Hadith: 2340). Evidently Matan above hadith does not contradict the Koran so as not to aborting or to weaked let alone consider it a false hadith. Because one feature of the hadith is weak hadith or false when Matan certain hadith contrary to the Al Quran. Research sanad hadith an effort to maintain the validity of hadith and if proven sanad- isnaad saheeh usually indicates the validity of Matan. Therefore hadith scholars criticize sanad more than Matan. However sometimes found opposite isnaad is saheeh but matan against Quran, then in this case we are removing is not necessarily regard the hadith or false. Need patience to understand Matan hadith, by seeing another report that interprets the hadith in question, or possibly already Mansukh (canceled) with another hadith, or Qur'anic verse or at least tawaqquf (pending). According to the opinion of the writer, the above hadith not encourage Muslims to escape the world and luxury but to provide guidance to Muslims how to properly address the world and luxury. For whatever reason we can not be separated from the world, even we are the portion of the world itself. In other words get the world and luxury as a bridge to the afterlife do not stock the world overwhelms us so that neglect of the afterlife, and to get the world that need the rules, norms are not free regardless of halal and haram syubhat. Saw Apostle likens the attachment is like a prison full of rules and suffering. Therefore the Prophet said: looking for a kosher is jihad, otherwise people who get the treasure without any attachment to religious norms and rules, whatever, then the world is paradise for them as appropriate heaven there is no ban on it. And lastly it can be concluded that the chains and Matan above hadith is saheeh and editorial content of the Hadith teaches Muslims how to address the world, in line with the Koran when the instructions get pleasure do not get too excited and if given the calamity that until disconnected despair. (Al- Hadid: 23). Allohu a'lamu
Sya'ban Month
Sya'ban Fasting virtue MONTH
In the Sahih Bukhari and Muslim, A'ishah narrated that radhiyallâhu'anha recounts,
"I never saw the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam fasting the whole month except during Ramadan and I've never seen He sallallaahu' Alaihi Wasallam more fasting in the month compared with the fasting month of sya'ban." [2]
In Bukhari, there is another history,
"He sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam full fasting in sya'ban." [3]
In another narration of Imam Muslim,
"He sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam fasted in the month of Sha'ban except a little." [4]
Imam Ahmad and Nasa'i rahimahullah rahimahullah narrated a hadith of Usamah bin Zaid radhiyallâhu'anhu, he said,
"Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam never fasted in the month as he sallallaahu' Alaihi Wasallam fasted in the month of sya'ban. Then one said, 'I never saw you as you fasted sya'ban fasting month. "Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi Wasallam replied: 'Many people neglect it between Rajab and sya'ban. And in that month, practices appointed creatures presence Rabb, then I want my practice when I'm fasting appointed. "[5]
About Fasting Nisfu (Mid) Sya'ban
Ibn Rajab said in al-rahimahullah Lathâ'if, (pp. 143, cet. Dar Ihya 'Kutubil Arabiyah) in Sunan Ibn Majah with a weak chain of transmission of' Ali radhiyallâhu'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam said, If the night nisfu Sya 'tires, then the prayer in the evening and fasted on the day. Since Allah Ta'ala down at sunset, then said, "Is there anyone who beg for forgiveness then will I forgive? Is there an appeal then I will give RizkiI said: "This hadith has been judged as false by the author of the book of hadith al Mannar. Rahimahullah He said (Majmoo 'Fataawa him 5 / 622),' The truth, the hadith maudhu '(false), because in there sanadnya Abu Bakr, Abdullah bin Muhammad, known as Ibn Abi Bisrah. Imam Ahmad bin Yahya rahimahullah and Ma'in rahimahullah said, 'This man had forged hadith'. "
Based on this explanation, then the special in the mid sya'ban fasting was not a Sunnah practice. Because based on the consensus of the scholars, sharia law can not be determined by the hadiths that degree range between weak and false. Unless these weaknesses can be covered with many chains of transmission and narrations supporter, so it can go up ranks this hadith to Hasan Hadith Lighairi. Lighairi Hasan Hadith should be used as a foundation for charitable unless it unjust or syadz.
About The Virtues of Night Nisfu Sya'ban
There are some who commented on his own history by Ibn Rajab, may Allaah have mercy once brought that these narrations are still in dispute. Most scholars judge it weak while Ibn Hibban rahimahullah judge and he brought some of saheeh in Saheeh Ibn Hibban. in a history of 'Aisha radhiyallâhu'anha, "Verily Allah the Exalted world will descend into the sky on the night of sya'ban and Allah Ta'ala nisfu give pardon to (human numbering) is more than the amount of hair goats owned by the Bani Kalb . " This hadith was delivered by Imam Ahmad, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah. Rahimahullah Tirmidhi mentions that Imam Bukhari rahimahullah rate this hadith is weak. Then Ibn Rajab rahimahullah mention a few that convey the same hadith is saying, "In this chapter there are several other hadith but has drawbacks. " As-Syaukani rahimahullah mention that in the history of 'Aisha radhiyallâhu'anha are no weaknesses and his unbroken chain of transmission. Shaykh Bin Baz rahimahullah mention that there are some weak hadith which can not be used as guidance about the virtues of nisfu sya'ban night.
Prayer On The Night Of Nisfu Sya'ba
For this problem there are three levels:
The first, the prayer is done by people who used to do it outside the night nisfu Ramadhan. As someone who used to perform night prayers. If this person is doing his usual night prayer night out on the night nisfu nisfu Ramadhan Ramadhan without giving extra special and with no confidence that this evening has the privilege, then pray that these people do not do anything. Because he did not invent a new religion which Allah Ta'ala.
second, a special prayer is done at night nisfu Sya'ban. This includes innovation. Because there is no history of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam stating he ordered, or do so with companions. As for the hadith narrated by Ali radhiyallâhu'anhu rahimahullah Ibn Majah, "If the night nisfu Sya'ban, then The prayer in the evening and fasted in the afternoon.", Already described (above) that Ibn Rajab rahimahullah judged weak, while Rashid Rida rahimahullah judged false.
Hadith like this can not be relied upon to establish syar'i law. The Ulama in matters charitable giving tolerant with the weak hadith a'mâl fadhâilul problem, but even then with some conditions that must be met, among others:
The first condition, the weakness of the hadith was not severe. While the weakness of the hadith (on prayer nisfu Sha'ban) is very severe. Because among its narrators are those who've forged hadith, as we nukilkan of Muhammad Rashid Rida rahimahullah.
The second condition, a weak hadith that describes an existing base. For example, there are basically worship and there are hadiths that explain weak while the weakness is not severe, then the weak hadiths can provide additional motivation to do so, the expected reward is mentioned without believe it wholeheartedly. That is, if true, then it's good to do it, whereas if it is not true, then it does not harm it because there is another argument which is used as the main runway.
As is already known that the arguments are ordered to pray nisfu Ramadhan, the conditions are not met because of this command has no arguments are authentic from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam as mentioned by Ibn Rajab, may Allaah have mercy and others.
In al-Lathâif (p.145) Ibn Rajab, may Allaah have mercy says: "So is the night prayer on the eve of nisfu sya'ban, there is no valid argument of any one of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam and the Companions.
Muhammad Rashid Rida rahimahullah said: "Allah Ta'ala does not mensyari'at not for the Believers of any particular practice on the eve of nisfu syaban this, not through the Book of Allah, or through oral Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam He is also not through the Sunnah of Allaah alaihi wasallam."
Shaykh Bin Baz rahimahullah said: "All the history that explains the primacy of prayer night nisfu sya'ban is a false history." The best information about the night prayer is the act partially nisfu sya'ban, as an explanation in Ibn Rajab al-Lathâif (p.144), "Night of Sha'ban nisfu glorified by tabi'in from Sham. They are meant to worship on that night. Of those here, virtue and the exaltation of the night was taken. If nisfu sya'ban night prayers were part of the religion of Allah, surely Allah Ta'ala in His book explained, or explained by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam through word and deed he. When information does not exist, it means a special prayer is not part of the religion of Allah Ta'ala. All (worship) which is not part of the religion of Allah Ta'ala is heresy, while there are arguments authentic from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam, that He said, "All heresies heresy."
Third, done that night a special prayer for a certain amount and this is done every year. So this is more severe than the second level and further away from the Sunnah. Narrations explaining the virtues is a false hadith.
As-Syaukani rahimahullah said (al-Fawâidul Majmû'ah, pp. 15),
"All the history about the night prayer nisfu Ramadhan is a history of false and fraudulent."
This news is false. Determining the fate of tonight's events during the year ie on Laylat al-Qadr Qadr night).
Allah Ta'ala says, which means,
"Haa Mim. For the sake of the Book (al-Qur'ân) are explained.
Verily, We have it down on a blessed night
and We was the one who gave the warning.
On the night that explained all the affairs of the full wisdom. "
(Qs ad-Dukhân/44 :1-4).
Night lowered al-Qur'ân is Laylat al Qadr. Allah Ta'ala says, which means,
"Surely we have lowered it (Quran) on the night of glory."
(Qs al-Qadr/97: 1)
ie during Ramadan, since Allah Ta'ala lowering the Koran in that month.
Allah Ta'ala says, which means,
"The month of Ramadan, the month in which reduced (beginning) al-Qur'ân."
(Surat al-Baqarah / 2:185)
People who think that the night nisfu Ramadhan is a time of Allah Ta'ala to determine what will happen in that year meant he had menyelisihi content of the Koran.
There are some people make food on day of nisfu sya'ban and distribute them to needy people
This is what they call 'asyiyâtul wâlidain. The act is also no basis from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam. So this practice specializing in nisfu sya'ban including heretical practice that has been warned by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam with the word he, "All heresies heresy."
Know someone who makes it to heresy in the religion of Allah the Exalted, this means he has fallen into some restrictions:
Actions implies a lie concerning the content of the word Allah, the Exalted, which means "This day has been fashioned for you your religion."
(Surat al-Maidah / 5:3). Because what made-up and believed to be part of this religion does not include religion when religion was revealed. Thus, viewed from bid'ah this means that religion is not perfect (so it needs to be refined).
Indeed what is listed in the Qur'aan and Sunnah are authentic it is enough for those who received guidance from Allah Ta'ala.Allah Ta'ala says,O people, have actually come to a lesson from your Rabb
and remedy for diseases (which are) in the chest
and guidance and mercy for the believers.
Say, "With the Grace of Allah and His mercy,
let them rejoice with him. gift of Allah
and His mercy is better than what they collected. "
(Qs Yûnus/10 :57-58)
in another verse Allah the Exalted says, which means,
"Those who follow my instructions, he will not be misguided and will not hurt."
(Qs Thaha/20: 123)
Finally I ask Allah Ta'ala to always provide guidance to us and to our brothers the Muslims towards shirâtul Mustaqim and I ask Allah Ta'ala to always help us in this world and the hereafter. Verily Allah Almighty and Merciful Benefactor. Allohu A'lamu
[1] Translated with a little summary of Majmoo 'he Fataawa, 20/25-33
[2] Bukhari, no. 1969 and Muslim, no. 1156 and 176
[3] Bukhari, no. 1970
[4] Reported by Muslim, no. 1156 and 176
[5] Reported by Ahmad, 5 / 201 and Nasa'i, 4 / 102
[6] Ibn Majah, no. 1388
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